Terms and Conditions of Use
General information
CIF: B63685432
Rambla Catalunya, 53 - 55, ático C-D
08007 - Barcelona
Tel. 93 487 39 19- Fax 93 487 61 09
E-mail: bra@bertranribera.com
Registro MERCANTIL Nº Tomo 37096, Folio 170, Hoja B 298232
All Rights Reserved.
A. Website access and utilization conditions
The user undertakes to use the website and the services in accordance with the law, this legal notice, the particular conditions of the services, as well as the morality, the generally accepted good practices and public order. This website is offered to you, provided you accept the terms, conditions and notices included in this legal notice. The fact that you use this website constitutes its acceptance.
B. Third party website links
This website offers users technical links to allow them to access websites owned and / or managed by third parties. BERTRAN RIBERA ASESORES, S.L.P does not assume any responsibility for the information contained on the web pages of third parties that can be accessed through links from our pages. However, it undertakes to remove links in case of being aware of the existence of illegal content or that infringe on the rights of third parties.
C. Contents
The information contained in this web site may contain typographical errors and inaccuracies of which BERTRAN RIBERA ASESORES, SLP is liable, except in the case that they come from third party pages to which the user accesses through the links provided. Located on our portal.
D. Limitations of use
You are not authorized to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, disclose, use, reproduce, publish, license, cede, sell or create derivative works based on the information, products or services that you may obtain from this website. The use of this website for illegal purposes or not authorized by these terms, conditions and communications is prohibited.
E. Intellectual property rights
The user acknowledges and accepts that all rights of the content of this website belong to BERTRAN RIBERA ASESORES, SLP and consequently the modification, adaptation, public communication, distribution, sale, rental and any other intellectual property right A user's manual made without the consent of the company is prohibited. These conditions will also be applicable in the case of items on the page that are owned by companies, or entities, except their consent. In no case, the company will be responsible for the possible infractions that any user of the portal could produce in this matter.
F. Update and modification of the web page
BERTRAN RIBERA ASESORES, S.L.P reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information on this website and its configuration without prior notice. It may suspend its dissemination in whole or in part and modify the structure or content thereof without prior notice. To solve problems or questions related to this website, please contact the company by email: bra@bertranribera.com